Right to healthcare for all women

Mi02März18:30Mi21:30Right to healthcare for all womenonline18:30 - 21:30(GMT+01:00)

Event Details

Right to healtcare for all women

with Halim Farah and Elizabeth Ngari
Women in Exile e.V.

Female refugees are discriminated by the German health care system on two levels: especially institutionalized racism and sexism complicate the access to appropriate health care for them substantially. There is no attention paid to the special requirements necessary for their medical care, including traumatization by sexualised violence or questions about sexual education, pregnancy and birth, abortion and genital cutting are not paid attention to. There are countless cases of refugee women who had to undergo surgery without explanation or even proper information in a language they could understand. Often, the women don’t know about their rights. This is a violation of the human right to health, which should guarantee access to medical care for all people regardless of their financial or residential status.
A lot of sicknesses from which the women suffer are rooted in the isolated living situation in Germany: This raises the question: What does it mean to be a Non-Citizen in the German health care system?

The Women in Exile e.V. are a group of female refugees who campaign against the discrimination of asylum seekers and migrants with focus on the link between racism and sexism. Within the framework of their project “Right to health for refugee women”, they organize exchange and empowerment workshops by and for female refugees and regularly visit women in the camps.

The Women in Exile provide a biographic as well as professional insight into the medical care for female refugees in Germany. They will discuss the perspective and necessities of the women on the one hand and the systematic errors that make it substantially impossible to provide an equal and non-discriminatory health care on the other hand.

This webinar will be held in English. No registration needed. For free.


Zur Veranstaltungsreihe
„Gesundheitsversorgung im Spannungsfeld von Gender und Flucht – eine kritische Auseinandersetzung im Rahmen des feministischen Kampftages“




2. März 2022 18:30 - 21:30(GMT+02:00)




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